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Now it's day, I've been trying
To get that taste off my tongue
I was dreaming of just you
Now our cereal, it is warm
Attractive day in the rubble
Of the night from before
Now I can't walk in a vacuum
I feel ugly, I feel my pores

It's the trees of this day
That I do battle with for the light
Then I start to feel tragic
People greet me, I'm polite
"What's the day?" "What's you doing?"
"How's your mood?" "How's that song?"
Man it passes right by me
It's behind me, now it's gone

Lyrics continue below...

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And I can't lift you up, My mind is tired
Oh, it's family beaches I desire
A sacred night, we'll watch the fireworks
The frightened babies poo
They've got two
Flashing eyes, they're colored why
They make me feel
That I'm only all I see sometimes

I've been eating with a good friend
Who said a genie made me out of the earth's skin, and
In spite of her she is my birth kin
She spits me out in her surly blood rivers
All the people out lurking
In dominions of a hot Turk dish
If the elephants been reaching for our purses
Then meet me after the world with the shivers
I've been eating with a good friend
Who said a genie made me out of the earth's skin, and
In spite of her she is my birth kin
She spits me out in her surly blood rivers
All the people out lurking
In dominions of a hot Turk dish
If the elephants been reaching for our purses
Then meet me after the world with the shivers
I've been eating with a good friend
Who said a genie made me out of the earth's skin, and
In spite of her she is my birth kin
She spits me out in her surly blood rivers
All the people out lurking
In dominions of a hot Turk dish
If the elephants been reaching for our purses
Then meet me after the world with the shivers

"What's the day?" "What's you doing?"
"How's your food?" "How's that song?"
Man it passes right by me,
It's behind me, now it's gone

And I can't lift you up cause my mind is tired
It's family beaches that I desire
A sacred night where we watch the fireworks
They frighten the babies and you know
They've got two
Flashing eyes and if they're color blind
They make me feel
That you're only what I see sometimes

And I can't lift you up cause my mind is tired
It's family beaches that I desire
A sacred night where we watch the fireworks
They frighten the babies and you know
They've got two
Flashing eyes and if they're color blind
They make me feel
That I'm only all I see sometimes

Writer(s): David Michael Portner, Noah Benjamin Lennox, Brian Weitz, Joshua Caleb Dibb

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