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Eli, Eli, you can't tell left from right
Eli, Eli, your eyes are black and white
Why, why, why, why do you smile at me?
Oh, why do you smile at me?

I've been so cruel, mother of mine
I've been so cruel to you
So, why do you smile at me?
I've been away for as long as snow
I've been missing for years
So, why do you smile at me?

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Why do you smile at me?
Why do you smile?

Been away for as long as snow
I've been missing for years
Looking for the son of mine
He's been looking for your fears
Why, why, why do you leave me far behind?
Why, why, why do you leave me here to die?

Why do you smile at me?
Why do you smile?

Writer(s): Deantoni Parks, Nicholas Kasper, Omar Rodriguez Lopez, Teresa Suarez

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