Douglas Heart first started out as a duo, an outgrowth from the shoegaze band Standing Pales. The two songwriters of the band, Malin Dahlberg {vocals} and Pontus Wallgren {guitar} started to make songs with a more intimate and minimalistic sound that they didn't really want to ruin with way to distorted guitars and a jangly garage sound. So they moved on from the noicepop, though still keeping the tunes and simple chords, and called themselves "Hal Blaine". The concept of the music was to make short but concise songs, the setting was a small Casiosynth (whose organ so… read more
Douglas Heart first started out as a duo, an outgrowth from the shoegaze band Standing Pales. The two songwriters of the band, Malin Dahlberg {vocals} and Pontus Wallgren {guitar} started to make songs with a more intimate and minimalistic sound that they didn't really want to ruin with … read more
Douglas Heart first started out as a duo, an outgrowth from the shoegaze band Standing Pales. The two songwriters of the band, Malin Dahlberg {vocals} and Pontus Wallgren {guitar} started to make songs with a more intimate and minimalistic sound that they didn't really want to ruin with way to distorted guitars and a jangly garage sound. So they moved on fro… read more