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Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
39 Revert

revert spam

40 Edit
39 Edit

Edit for length and data already found on the artist page (discography, etc.)

38 Edit
37 Edit

Added place and year formed BBCodes.

36 Edit
35 Edit
33 Revert

please keep this only about the band's music

34 Edit

don't let nice music fool you, their true nature is evil at heart

33 Edit

added most recent album and EP's, made discography chronological, fixed links and typos.

32 Edit
31 Edit
30 Edit

corrected artist name

29 Edit

included upcoming 2010 album with links.

28 Edit

Corrected label name and link to "Chasing..."

27 Edit
26 Edit
25 Edit
24 Edit
23 Edit
22 Edit
21 Edit
20 Edit
19 Edit
18 Edit
17 Edit
16 Edit

Added [bandmember] tags

15 Edit
14 Edit
13 Edit
12 Edit
11 Edit
10 Edit

release date of "Raising" to official date, re-added accreditation note for "Sleep-Over 1"

9 Edit
8 Edit
7 Edit

Removed tracklist - belongs on artist's own site.

6 Edit
5 Edit
4 Edit
3 Edit

General copyediting pass

2 Edit

Corrected title and clarified song credits on "The Sleep-Over Series"

1 Edit

First draft.

API Calls