
Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
68 Edit

removed unnecessary info

66 Revert
67 Edit

Mass unlock of all locked wikis

66 Edit

Locked by Thaelvyn

65 Edit

merging of latest new john mayer info with original john mayer info

63 Revert

restoration of information from the original john mayer

64 Edit
63 Edit

Changed 'most recent album, Continuum' to just 'album, continuum' as he has recently released Battle Studies

62 Edit

shorten introduction to only relevant information

61 Edit

merging of latest new john mayer info with original john mayer info

57 Revert

restoration of information from the original john mayer

60 Edit
59 Edit
58 Edit
57 Edit

restoration of the other john mayer's details

56 Edit
55 Edit

Added another artist

54 Edit
53 Edit
52 Edit
51 Edit
50 Edit

addition of indian composer john mayer's info

49 Edit

Adding reference to release of new album, Battle Studies, in last quarter of '09

48 Edit


47 Edit
46 Edit
45 Edit
43 Revert
44 Edit
43 Edit
42 Edit


41 Edit

Do not attempt to promote one artist over another, it will be treated as abuse.

40 Edit

I took out unneeded info and added that he moved to Atlanta in 1998

39 Edit

remove summer concert info hat said Mayer was celebrating an engagement, this is untrue.

38 Edit
37 Edit
36 Edit
35 Edit
34 Edit

Added the other John Mayer

33 Edit

Fixed broken artist tag

32 Edit
31 Edit
30 Edit
29 Edit
28 Edit
27 Edit
26 Edit

Moved 'wrote song in shower for Daughters' to the part that reference grammy award for the song

25 Edit

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