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Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
29 Edit
28 Edit
27 Edit
26 Edit
24 Revert
25 Edit
24 Edit
23 Edit

Changed "comprised of" to simply "comprised" to make it more gramatically correct.

22 Edit
21 Edit

Rmv fanboy/rock journalist jargon

20 Edit

Removed disputed sentence, accompanying complaint

19 Edit
18 Edit

Moved [/placeformed] to include state.

17 Edit
16 Edit
15 Edit
14 Edit
13 Edit
12 Edit
11 Edit
10 Edit

It wasn't a touring van accident.

9 Edit
8 Edit

coded the full wiki

7 Edit
6 Edit

i fixed a typo

5 Edit
4 Edit
3 Edit
2 Edit
1 Edit

API Calls