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Version Activity Type Editor/Date Summary
49 Edit
48 Edit
47 Edit
46 Edit
45 Edit
43 Revert

revert spam

44 Edit
43 Edit

Updated album list

42 Edit

Added Superstition album from 2014 to the bio.

41 Edit
40 Edit
39 Edit
38 Edit
37 Edit


36 Edit
35 Edit
34 Edit
33 Edit
32 Edit


31 Edit


30 Edit


29 Edit
28 Edit

updated dates and fixed a bunch of incorrect artist links

27 Edit

and fixed Factbox

26 Edit

fixed members and added new EP

25 Edit
24 Edit

Added Pins & Needles and Nate Manor

23 Edit

Don't mess with tags

22 Edit

cleaning up an error i made myself

21 Edit

Removed the errored links from Owen and Rainbow

20 Edit

Edited about the (Nu-metal sound)

19 Edit

NOTE: Abuse of the wiki system will result in banning from the wiki or the site.

18 Edit
17 Edit
16 Edit
15 Edit
14 Edit

Completely rebuilt the bio

13 Edit
12 Edit
11 Edit
10 Edit
9 Edit
8 Edit
7 Edit

capitalization error fixed

6 Edit

added more information about the band itself rather than how they sound

5 Edit

Hype removal + Keep your personal commentary off the wiki.

4 Edit
3 Edit
2 Edit
1 Edit

API Calls