
  • Years Active

    1996 – present (28 years)

  • Members

    • Daniel Villarreal
    • Eduardo Carrillo
    • Eduardo Contreras
    • Manuel Vásquez
    • Sergio Aguilar

Agora is a name that has been used at least seven times. (1) Jazz-rock band from Italy. (2) Progressive metal band from Mexico. (3) Ethnic/Folklore/Tarantella band from Italy (Calabria).(4) Gothic Doom metal band from Turkey. (5) Instrumental progressive (death) metal band from Texas. (6) Punk rock band from Bucharest, Romania.

Agora (1) released two albums, Live in Montreux (1975) and 2 (1976).

Agora (2) has released three albums in their career: Segundo Pasado (2001), Zona de Silencio (2005), and Regresa al Vértigo (2011).

Agorà (3) released at least one album, Tinghi e tingone (2001).

Agora (4) released two albums, In Deep… In Deeper… (EP) (2004) and Desolation Angel (EP) (2005)

Agora (5) is a new instrumental progressive metal band from Texas. They released free downloadable Voyager EP -

Agora (6) is a Romanian punk rock band from Bucharest. They released an E.P. titled Altfel (2014).

Agora (7) is the jungle project of Austin, TX based musician Carter Landon

Agora (8) is the breakbeat hardcore alias of Brighton-based DJ Movement

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