
  • Years Active

    2016 – present (8 years)

  • Founded In

    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

  • Members

    • Amy Taylor
    • Bryce Wilson
    • Calum Newton
    • Declan Mehrtens
    • Kevin Romer

Amyl and the Sniffers are an Australian and band based in Melbourne, consisting of vocalist Amy Taylor, drummer Bryce Wilson, guitarist Dec Martens, and bassist Gus Romer. At the ARIA Music Awards of 2019, their self-titled debut record won the Best Rock Album category.

Amy Taylor (vocals), Bryce Wilson (drums) and Declan Martens (guitar) founded Amyl in their sharehouse in early 2016. They formed the band, wrote a handful of tunes and released their debut EP, Giddy Up, all in a span of twelve hours. Gus Romer came on board to play bass shortly afterward and Amyl and the Sniffers took its current shape: a grimy four-piece taking its cues from a diverse mix of genres including pub rock, Aussie punk, country and western and rap rave. The band set out to have as much fun as possible and scared up a whole lot of fans along the way.

The band's name is a reference to the Australian slang for the inhalant poppers.


Amyl and the Sniffers - Released: 24 May 2019
Comfort to Me - Released: 10 September 2021
Cartoon Darkness - Released: 25 October 2024

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