
  • Born In

    Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark

Danish-born singer, composer, producer and wordworker Astrid Engberg is influenced by a myriad of genres including Jazz, Soul, Hip Hop, World, Blues, and Classical music. Astrid sketches sonic landscapes that are both steeped in her Scandinavian roots and infused with the kaleidoscopic hues of her many travels, drawing inspiration in equal parts from everyday life, people, images and sounds.

An avid musician, Astrid’s music incorporates many instruments and genres as well as vocal harmonies and scat influences. Despite an accident in 2006 causing a drastic change of life, music remained the core that all evolved around. Astrid sang in different choirs in Copenhagen for many years as a child and her work includes collaborations with aslope, Mattic, Jukebox Champions, La Fine Equipe and Berry Weight. Life Goes On, the first in a series of four EPs to be released on Phonosaurus Records.

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