Attila Csihar (born 29 March 1971) is a Hungarian black metal vocalist, best known for his vocal work on the album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas by Mayhem. His career started in the Hungarian metal band Tormentor. The band reached a cult status in black metal circles, even without major label releases. In 1992, Attila was invited to perform vocals on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas after Mayhem's then-vocalist Dead committed suicide. The album became one of the quintessential albums of the genre, even though some fans consider Csihar's vocals out of place. After Mayhem, Csihar cont… read more
Attila Csihar (born 29 March 1971) is a Hungarian black metal vocalist, best known for his vocal work on the album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas by Mayhem. His career started in the Hungarian metal band Tormentor. The band reached a cult status in black metal circles, even without major label rel… read more
Attila Csihar (born 29 March 1971) is a Hungarian black metal vocalist, best known for his vocal work on the album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas by Mayhem. His career started in the Hungarian metal band Tormentor. The band reached a cult status in black metal circles, even without major label releases. In 1992, Attila was invited to perform vocals on De Mysteriis Dom… read more