
Bhajan Bhoy is a new 2020 moniker of British-born, Netherlands-based multi-instrumentalist, Ajay Saggar.

Saggar has been involved in making music for over thirty years. Starting out in the late 1980s, with John Peel favourites, Dandelion Adventure, he moved on to underpin his musical tapestry in bands such as Donkey, The Bent Moustache, King Champion Sounds, Deutsche Ashram, The Common Cold and University Challenged.

His first album as Bhajan Bhoy, Bless Bless, was released in the Spring of 2020 on his own Wormer Bros Records. Later that year he released two long stand-alone pieces ('For Robbie Basho' and 'Pinecone') on 10-inch vinyl, as the That Summer Oh Creator! EP.

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