In the midst of radiation treatments, Brandon Musser felt optimistic. Not something you’d expect from someone undergoing treatment for a brain tumor, Brandon had peace and hope in a strange time. “Knowing everything was in God’s hands gave me a positive outlook and motivation to write music,” admitted Brandon of his ability to keep peace despite his circumstances. That hope fueled the inspiration for his most recent creation, Piano Collection, Vol. 2. Raised in Jamul, California, near San Diego, with two sisters and a brother, Brandon’s family was crucial in supporting and encourag… read more
In the midst of radiation treatments, Brandon Musser felt optimistic. Not something you’d expect from someone undergoing treatment for a brain tumor, Brandon had peace and hope in a strange time. “Knowing everything was in God’s hands gave me a positive outlook and motivation to write music,”… read more
In the midst of radiation treatments, Brandon Musser felt optimistic. Not something you’d expect from someone undergoing treatment for a brain tumor, Brandon had peace and hope in a strange time. “Knowing everything was in God’s hands gave me a positive outlook and motivation to write music,” admitted Brandon of his ability to keep peace despite his circumstances… read more