The first full-length album released by Cassels on the record label Big Scary Monsters. The band claim it's not an album, but rather a "pre-album" and the label claim it's an album in every sense of the word. Either way, this is a collection of 14 songs. released April 7, 2017 Artwork by Alex Fullerton Tracks 1-3, 7, 8 recorded by Dominic Rippel and mixed by Alexander Peterson Tracks 4-7 and 10 recorded and mixed by Alexander Peterson Tracks 11-14 recorded and mixed by Dominic Rippel All tracks mastered by Bob Cooper
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The first full-length album released by Cassels on the record label Big Scary Monsters. The band claim it's not an album, but rather a "pre… read more
The first full-length album released by Cassels on the record label Big Scary Monsters. The band claim it's not an album, but rather a "pre-album" and the label claim it… read more
Cassels are a band comprised of two brothers - Jim Beck and Loz Beck - the former of which plays guitar and the latter of which plays drums. They are from Oxford, UK and after a stint with the record label Big Scary Monsters, are now signed with God Unknown Records.
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Cassels are a band comprised of two brothers - Jim Beck and Loz Beck - the former of which plays guitar and the latter of which plays drums. They are from Oxford, UK and after a stint with … read more
Cassels are a band comprised of two brothers - Jim Beck and Loz Beck - the former of which plays guitar and the latter of which plays drums. They are from Oxford, UK and after a stint with the record label Big Scary Monsters, are now s… read more