
"Completing a 30-minute set, Cassolette’s live act appears slightly unpolished — with no bells, whistles, or gimmicks onstage. For the viewer, it’s quite an interesting moment to witness: the sight of an unknown band on the brink of publicly breaking into their own, with just a tickle of brilliance in the air. For reference, think of the band Stars when their elegant indie-pop hit “Ageless Beauty” swept alternative radio stations in 2004. It sparked a bid for bands spreading subtle beauty through a whimsical voice, much like the beginnings of The Cranberries. With Cassolette, a gorgeous hook lies behind each lyrical longing for unrequited love. And if the catchiest tune of the set, the sugar-laced “Stay Sweet,” is a hint of what lies ahead, Sarasota had better be prepared to go off its cover band diet and save room for Cassolette’s delicious, musical dessert."
-Anthony Paull, Creative Loafing

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