Chicken Little is a post punk old time duo with accordion, acoustic guitar, and lots of harmonies. They write spirituals to be protest songs and protest songs to be broken hearted love ballads. Cuomo is a punk turned folksinger who shouts and croons three chord acoustic songs inspired as much by ..The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.. as by ..The Blitzkrieg Bop… Emma is a classically trained choral singer & pianist raised in North Carolina on appalachian bluegrass and old time country with a holler to match her vibrato. Originally from Brooklyn, where Cuomo spent years sin… read more
Chicken Little is a post punk old time duo with accordion, acoustic guitar, and lots of harmonies. They write spirituals to be protest songs and protest songs to be broken hearted love ballads. Cuomo is a punk turned folksinger who shouts and croons three chord acoustic songs inspired as much… read more
Chicken Little is a post punk old time duo with accordion, acoustic guitar, and lots of harmonies. They write spirituals to be protest songs and protest songs to be broken hearted love ballads. Cuomo is a punk turned folksinger who shouts and croons three chord acoustic songs inspired as much by ..The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock.. as by ..The Blitzkrieg Bop… read more