
Chicken Little! plays fast songs, slow songs, waltzes and jigs. They write spirituals to be protest songs and protest songs to be broken hearted love ballads. Cuomo is a punk turned folksinger who shouts and croons three chord acoustic songs inspired as much by The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock as by The Blitzkrieg Bop. Emma is a classically trained choral singer & pianist raised in North Carolina on appalachian bluegrass and old time country with a holler to match her vibrato.

Originally from Brooklyn, where Cuomo spent years singing solo in the subways and running off on quixotic tours, the two became a duo in early 2008 when a friend found an accordion on the street and gave it to them. Traveling the south on their first tour together they discovered a burgeoning renaissance in acoustic and roots music and soon after moved to Tennessee to find a place for Brooklyn folk music in the new movement.

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