
Cry is the name of more than one artist
1) A Dutch rapper
2) An Ambient / Depressive Black Metal band
3) A minimal synth / new wave band
4) A band formed by Gene Clark
5) A Swedish Rock Band
6) A Japanese Death Metal band
7) A Belgique lo-fi punk band.

2. A one man Ambient / Depressive Black Metal band from the city of Hyderabad in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Formed by "I" and released a Demo called Eternal Screams Of Silence in 2009. The demo will be released on October 31, 2009 by the USA based Beneath The Fog Productions.

3. A minimal synth / new wave band from the U.K. who released a 7" in 1983. The songs included in the 7" were Looking To The Future and Alone.

4. It was also the name of a band formed by Gene Clark. Gene (C)lark, Pat (R)obinson, John (Y)ork.
The had performances on several occasions but only one bootleg came out.
Great music, great songs. Very underrated but if you explore this you will find most fine lost_jewels.

7. Brussels, Belgium lo-fi punk rock band.

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