
Dylan Henner appeared on the ambient scene in 2020 with cassette- and digi-only releases for Brighton-based Phantom Limb, Belgian label Dauw and for the label formerly known as Whities.

Henner is not to keen on promoting himself on socials, instead choosing to communicate mostly through wondrously imaginative soundscapes and dito visual artwork.

Henner’s first full vinyl longplayer ’The Invention of the Human’ attempts to tackle a set of basic philosophical questions – what exactly makes us human? What good is civilisation when there’s so much misery attached to it? How will technology affect humanity in the long run? – through the mind and soundcard of a computer.

The result is a collection of superbly constructed human-not-human soundscapes built from synthesized vocals that are morphed into two pocket symphonies, with moods ranging from serene and cerebral to alienated and desolate, referencing classic Japanese ambient and more recent Visible Cloaks material.

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