
  • Born

    2 February 1951 (age 74)

  • Born In

    Tehran, Tehrān, Iran, Islamic Republic of

Googoosh (Persian : ﮔﻮﮔﻮش , born on 5th May 1950 (15th Ordibehesht 1329)) is an Iranian pop singer and former actress. Her career in the performing arts has spanned 5 decades.

Following a 21-year performing ban imposed by the conservative government of Iran (where she continued to live following the 1979 Islamic revolution), Googoosh finally left the country in 2000 to undertake a world tour, re-establishing her status as the most successful Iranian artist of all time.

The phenomenal success of these concerts was testament not only to her lasting quality as an artist, but a tribute to generations of Iranians who, despite over two decades of silence, demonstrated their continuing love and loyalty to an enduring star of a bygone era. In turn she rewarded their devotion with proof that she continues to remain relevant to today's audiences, showing that she is a star not only of the past, but of the present and the future.

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