“O Green World” is a song tinged with influences from industrial rock and incorporating minimal, atmospheric arrangements. The track talks about pollution and what has happened to Earth. In the song, 2-D begs to be brought back to a time when the Earth wasn’t polluted and still filled with life and joy. The track is a thematic predecessor to Gorillaz’s third album "Plastic Beach", which is filled with references to pollution and man-made destruction.
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“O Green World” is a song tinged with influences from industrial rock and incorporating minimal, atmospheric arrangements. The track talks about poll… read more
“O Green World” is a song tinged with influences from industrial rock and incorporating minimal, atmospheric arrangements. The track talks about pollution and what has happened to Earth.… read more
Gorillaz is a British virtual band created in 1998 by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett. The band currently consists of four animated members: Murdoc Niccals (bass guitar) who formed the band, 2-D (lead vocals, keyboards), Noodle (guitar, vocals) and Russel Hobbs (drums and percussion). Their fictional universe is explored through animated music videos, interviews and animated shorts. In reality, Albarn is the only permanent musical contributor and often collaborates with other musicians. The roots of Gorillaz can be traced back to 1990, when guitarist Graham Coxon aske… read more
Gorillaz is a British virtual band created in 1998 by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett. The band currently consists of four animated members: Murdoc Niccals (bass guitar) who … read more
Gorillaz is a British virtual band created in 1998 by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett. The band currently consists of four animated members: Murdoc Niccals (bass guitar) who formed the band, 2-D (lead vocals, keyboards),… read more