Co-singer/guitarist Ed Droste recalled to Drowned in Sound: "The earliest written song on the album and one of the favorites. Dan just came in one day, and presented it to us." (Source While You Wait For The Others Songfacts)
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Co-singer/guitarist Ed Droste recalled to Drowned in Sound: "The earliest written song on the album and one of the favorites. Dan just came in o… read more
Co-singer/guitarist Ed Droste recalled to Drowned in Sound: "The earliest written song on the album and one of the favorites. Dan just came in one day, and presented it to us."… read more
Grizzly Bear are a rock band from Brooklyn, New York. Their music uses melody and ambience in conjunction with hazy-eyed choruses, whistles, piano, banjo, and several woodwind instruments. Grizzly Bear was originally the solo project of Edward Droste (vocals/guitar), who recorded his debut album Horn of Plenty at home. The record was originally meant for his friends, but it eventually circulated and got a proper release in 2004, this time with the help of Christopher Bear (drums/vocals). A re-release with a bonus disc of remixes was issued in 2005. 2005 also saw the addition of th… read more
Grizzly Bear are a rock band from Brooklyn, New York. Their music uses melody and ambience in conjunction with hazy-eyed choruses, whistles, piano, banjo, and several woodwind instruments. … read more
Grizzly Bear are a rock band from Brooklyn, New York. Their music uses melody and ambience in conjunction with hazy-eyed choruses, whistles, piano, banjo, and several woodwind instruments. Grizzly Bear was originally the solo project o… read more