IAME (pronounced I -am -me) is a solo MC from the City of Thornz, and is the newest member of the Oldominion family. At just 21, he has been featured on many albums, including his own full length entitled “Noise Complaints” which he independently released himself. He is also a member of the Sand People - a Portland collective of MC’s and producers that have released two full length albums entitled “Points of View” and the latest release “All In Vain”. He has worked with members of both crews for different projects including an album with Gold from the Sand People for a side group ca… read more
IAME (pronounced I -am -me) is a solo MC from the City of Thornz, and is the newest member of the Oldominion family. At just 21, he has been featured on many albums, including his own full length entitled “Noise Complaints” which he independently released himself. He is also a member of the S… read more
IAME (pronounced I -am -me) is a solo MC from the City of Thornz, and is the newest member of the Oldominion family. At just 21, he has been featured on many albums, including his own full length entitled “Noise Complaints” which he independently released himself. He is also a member of the Sand People - a Portland collective of MC’s and producers that have relea… read more