The Abranis story begins in the mid sixties, when two young Algerians crossed paths in one of Paris' bohemian neighborhoods. Both were Kabyle, the Berber people from Algeria’s northern regions, and both had escaped the repression that began with Algeria's 1962 independence and the establishment of its new, conservative constitution. The two young men, Shamy El Baz and Karim Abdenour, shared more than a common background: they both loved rock music, and both were passionate about fostering a modern Algerian sound, as inspired by Kabyle rhythms and melodies as it was by west… read more
The Abranis story begins in the mid sixties, when two young Algerians crossed paths in one of Paris' bohemian neighborhoods. Both were Kabyle, t… read more
The Abranis story begins in the mid sixties, when two young Algerians crossed paths in one of Paris' bohemian neighborhoods. Both were Kabyle, the Berber people from Algeria’s north… read more
Abranis is a rock group from Algeria Kabyle music founded in 1967 and was a great success in Algeria but also in Europe in the 1970s, 80 and 90. The group was created in 1967 by Sid Mohand Tahar Karim said Abranis singer bassist. In 1973 he materialized with his friends Samir Chabane drummer, guitarist and Shamy Madi Mahdi el Baz organist.
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Abranis is a rock group from Algeria Kabyle music founded in 1967 and was a great success in Algeria but also in Europe in the 1970s, 80 and 90. The group was created in 1967 by Sid Mohand … read more
Abranis is a rock group from Algeria Kabyle music founded in 1967 and was a great success in Algeria but also in Europe in the 1970s, 80 and 90. The group was created in 1967 by Sid Mohand Tahar Karim said Abranis singer bassist. In 19… read more