Ings, formerly known as Plaid Dragon, is a five piece alternative-folk outfit from Springfield Missouri with a front line female vocalist. The bands plays a blend of folk, mod-folk, ambient and alternative sound. Plaid Dragon is one of those catchy indie-pop music that get stuck in one’s head very easily. Their lyrics are as catchy as their music as well. “Dog Physics” is an exquisitely shivery blend of many elements that brings goose-bumps and above all a more humid bluesy brand of Plaid Dragon, a sound both eerily ancient and thrillingly modern, with beautifully intertwined harmo… read more
Ings, formerly known as Plaid Dragon, is a five piece alternative-folk outfit from Springfield Missouri with a front line female vocalist. The bands plays a blend of folk, mod-folk, ambient and alternative sound. Plaid Dragon is one of those catchy indie-pop music that get stuck in one’s head… read more
Ings, formerly known as Plaid Dragon, is a five piece alternative-folk outfit from Springfield Missouri with a front line female vocalist. The bands plays a blend of folk, mod-folk, ambient and alternative sound. Plaid Dragon is one of those catchy indie-pop music that get stuck in one’s head very easily. Their lyrics are as catchy as their music as well. “Dog Ph… read more