
RiverWalk emerged 2009, they have a new breath and a refined sound with incredible new energy. Simply put… The energy and anticipation of what's to come from this group is insurmountable. Bandleader Donnie Donnelly spent years a missing a loyal audience with an artistic funk bass melodic sound and unexpected guitar counterparts with incredible powerful vocals piercing the edge.

RiverWalk has exuberant energy and stage-filling funk. The evening promise an intimate view of one of rocks most spectacular Indie Rock Funk bands performances.

RiverWalk is an unique, colorful, energetic and explosive sound. Their songs have a unique blend of different musical styles from Hard Rock, Funk and Blues. An eclectic talented group and song-writing partnerships are pushing the envelope in Rock music that produces a contagious enthusiasm, embracing a tightly Rock/Funk sound that proves more appetizing to mainstream audiences.

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