Born March 1978, in Syosset, New York, Sean gained his first musical experience playing the saxophone in his high school band. During the early 90's, Sean discovered the American rave culture and found his true passion for the many sub genres of electronic dance. This passion drove Mr. Palm into purchasing his first set of turntables, which altered his life forever. Finding rare classics and fresh modern day releases is Sean's forte. His open-minded attitude never limits him to one style or genre, and his record collection tops out at over 10,000, covering every spectrum o… read more
Born March 1978, in Syosset, New York, Sean gained his first musical experience playing the saxophone in his high school band. During the early 90's, Sean discovered the American rave culture and found his true passion for the many sub genres of electronic dance. This passion drove Mr. P… read more
Born March 1978, in Syosset, New York, Sean gained his first musical experience playing the saxophone in his high school band. During the early 90's, Sean discovered the American rave culture and found his true passion for the many sub genres of electronic dance. This passion drove Mr. Palm into purchasing his first set of turntables, which altered his life … read more