
  • Born

    11 October 1982 (age 42)

  • Born In

    Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Michael Molina, AKA Sir_NutS, is an amateur artist who started learning music around 1999. Since then, he has been working on perfecting his music and styles. He's a recognized Remixer at the OCRemix community.

NutS' favorite genre is electronic music. Although his tastes in music are very wide, from latin jazz to Rock, Salsa, and Symphonic, he developed his skills toward this genre. In his music, He always tries to include that little touch that makes it different from any other artist, so you can find anything from Latin Jazz Influences, Robert Miles styled piano melodies, pumping trance tracks or wicked breakbeat. He likes to mix things up a little bit, and most of the time, it works.

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