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Glad I picked up the Back In Blue album, Sixto's contributions were tremendous!
Well, that definition of a "hero" sure has made me not feel like listening to any more of this guy's music.
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LOL I always imagine beating shit up to a soundtrack if monsters suddenly appear from nowhere or aliens whatever VG remix music will be the only battle music i need to give me the spirit to fight forever now i just need a sword, oh yeah and a world threating monster plague >.>
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Great Remixer! Please, Please do a proper remix of Roar of the Dragon from Double Dragon 2. I think you tried to do it with 'Twin Blood', but listen to the Double Dragon 2 Arranged Soundtrack for hints. Your Double Dragon The Secrets of Sosetsuken remix, Go the Distance & Ken Stage were awesome though. You captured Ken stage really well without altering it too much, please also do Cammy Stage, Guile Stage and possibly Adon Stage from Alpha 2. Best remixer without a doubt, just love how Double Dragon 1 kicks in, soooooooooooo good!!
Sixto is by far my favourite ReMixer (and I've been listening to ReMixes for the last 6+ years), because of his professional sound, his mad guitar skills and his great composition talents ^^ Just got the new version of "Dokuta Wairi, Rival to the Light" (I had the DoD version) and it rocks ^^ Any song by Sixto rocks anyways lol don't just listen to the Ken song. I'm always checking his website waiting for new songs. Continue to rock like that, Sixto!
Listen everyone, there's a new sheriff in town, and his name is MOTHERFACKING SIXTO SOUNDS