
1. Repetition, repetition, repetition; these three 'r's are paramount to multi-instrumentalist Daniel Foggin's project Smote. Despite only bursting onto the scene in the hazy times of early quarantine, the Newcastle-based entity has already launched a handful of releases. October marks the one-year anniversary of 'Drommon', their latest and first with Rocket Recordings (Gnod, Goat). The record, summoned from the murkier reaches of the subconscious and calling to mind a powerful aura of twilight communication, is perhaps their most ambitious drone expedition yet, blending kraut, psychedelia, and more.

2. Born in 1977 in central Slovakia, Smote started playing the piano during his childhood and later the began to play the guitar for the local punk band "Los Ratones Paranoicos". He has been part of the DnB scene since 1998.

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