"Disappearer" is a Thurston Moore-sung track on Goo, Sonic Youth's major-label debut. It was the second single released from Goo, following the better-known "Kool Thing." "Disappearer" is a fairly structured song as Sonic Youth songs go, with two verses, a noisy instrumental bridge, a third verse and a feedback-drenched closing chord. Sonic Youth performs in the music video "Disappearer" from the album "Goo" recorded for Geffen Records. The music video begins with the band in a white room illuminated with a strobe light. Music p… read more
"Disappearer" is a Thurston Moore-sung track on Goo, Sonic Youth's major-label debut. It was the second single released from Goo, foll… read more
"Disappearer" is a Thurston Moore-sung track on Goo, Sonic Youth's major-label debut. It was the second single released from Goo, following the better-known "Kool Thi… read more
Sonic Youth was an influential experimental rock band which formed in New York City, New York, United States in 1981 and are currently on an indefinite hiatus. The last lineup consisted of Thurston Moore (vocals, guitar), Kim Gordon (vocals, bass, guitar), Lee Ranaldo (vocals and guitar), Steve Shelley (drums) and Mark Ibold (bass). In their early career, Sonic Youth was associated with the No Wave art and music scene in New York City. Part of the first wave of American noise rock groups, the band carried out their interpretation of the hardcore punk ethos throughout the evolving A… read more
Sonic Youth was an influential experimental rock band which formed in New York City, New York, United States in 1981 and are currently on an indefinite hiatus. The last lineup consisted of … read more
Sonic Youth was an influential experimental rock band which formed in New York City, New York, United States in 1981 and are currently on an indefinite hiatus. The last lineup consisted of Thurston Moore (vocals, guitar), Kim Gordon (… read more