
  • Years Active

    2006 – present (19 years)

  • Founded In

    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

  • Members

    • Scott Stevens

Summer Cats are two girls and three boys from Melbourne, Australia. Like most people from Melbourne, they spend their time either: a) enjoying summer or b) waiting for summer to arrive.

They play crash pop in an attempt to make you dance, so if you feel the urge…go right ahead! Musically they are somewhat of a cross between Stereolab and The Go-Betweens….or is that Talulah Gosh and The Left Banke?

After playing only two shows, they managed to get a three and a half star review on Pitchfork for one of their demos. This then led to them thinking they could have a chat with the rest of world, and they have since been busy trying to do just that.

They currently have a split 7” released on Knock Yr Socks Off Records, a 3” three track CDR on Cloudberry records, and released their debut EP, Scratching Post on Popboomerang Records in December 2007 which has lead to a small amount of people saying nice things! They also have a CD out on WeePOP, a split 7" with The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart on Slumberland and a 7" on Cloudberry records. Their debut LP is due out in 2009!

Best played loud in your bedroom when your parents are out or while riding your bicycle around town!

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