From the album “To Be Kind.” The songs seems to describe the imperfection that might lie within a god, its needs and fragility. Mentioned early in the song, the black chasm likely represents a mortal wound, a blood stain creeping ever larger. It leaks blood “forever”, or at least for the rest of this person’s life – their forever. It could also symbolize death as it always creeps up on us and leaks into our lives when loved ones pass away. The “universal mind” is a concept discussed by Norman Mailer in his novel “Why Are We in Vietnam?” Abbreviated, it becomes “um.” Mailer explains … read more
From the album “To Be Kind.” The songs seems to describe the imperfection that might lie within a god, its needs and fragility. Mentioned early in th… read more
From the album “To Be Kind.” The songs seems to describe the imperfection that might lie within a god, its needs and fragility. Mentioned early in the song, the black chasm likely repres… read more
Swans are an American experimental rock band from New York, United States, active from 1982 to 1997, reformed in 2010, led by singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Michael Gira. Marginally associated with the no wave scene at first, their original sound was slow and extremely heavy, with live performances that were often so brutal and physical that in a number of instances certain audience members were made ill, police were called and venues were shut down. This early physical sound is possibly best heard on the live album Public Castration Is A Good idea. Their initial style… read more
Swans are an American experimental rock band from New York, United States, active from 1982 to 1997, reformed in 2010, led by singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Michael Gira. Marg… read more
Swans are an American experimental rock band from New York, United States, active from 1982 to 1997, reformed in 2010, led by singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Michael Gira. Marginally associated with the no wave scene at fi… read more