“Nangs” is a wobbly, disorienting track named after the Australian slang term for canisters filled with nitrous oxide (N2O), a compound gas used in cars to boost speed and transmission, or laughing gas. Nangs are occasionally used as a recreational drug; in the United States, they are known as whippets. The song’s introduction sounds like a balloon filled with N2O being inhaled, which is the method used to get the gas into your system. The track does a good job of emulating the woozy, undulating feeling of being high on N2O.
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“Nangs” is a wobbly, disorienting track named after the Australian slang term for canisters filled with nitrous oxide (N2O), a compound gas used in c… read more
“Nangs” is a wobbly, disorienting track named after the Australian slang term for canisters filled with nitrous oxide (N2O), a compound gas used in cars to boost speed and transmission, … read more
Tame Impala is a psychedelic rock band of Australian musician Kevin Parker, who writes, records, produces, and performs. As a touring act, Tame Impala consists of Parker (guitar, vocals), Dominic Simper (guitar, synthesiser), Jay Watson (synthesiser, vocals, guitar), Cam Avery (bass guitar, vocals), and Julien Barbagallo (drums, vocals). Many of the band members, including Parker, are collaborators with fellow Australian psychedelic rock band Pond. Previously signed to Modular Recordings, Tame Impala is now signed to Interscope Records in the US and Fiction Records in the UK. Parker… read more
Tame Impala is a psychedelic rock band of Australian musician Kevin Parker, who writes, records, produces, and performs. As a touring act, Tame Impala consists of Parker (guitar, vocals), D… read more
Tame Impala is a psychedelic rock band of Australian musician Kevin Parker, who writes, records, produces, and performs. As a touring act, Tame Impala consists of Parker (guitar, vocals), Dominic Simper (guitar, synthesiser), Jay Watso… read more