"Tribute" is the first single of Tenacious D's self-titled debut album, released on July 16, 2002. The song is a tribute to what Kyle Gass and Jack Black refer to as "The Best Song in the World" (often confused as the song's title), which Tenacious D themselves came up with but have since forgotten. Upon its release, "Tribute" failed to make a commercial impact in the United States, but it became a hit in Australia and New Zealand, peaking at number four on the Australian Singles Chart and number nine on the New Zealand Singles Chart. In Europ… read more
"Tribute" is the first single of Tenacious D's self-titled debut album, released on July 16, 2002. The song is a tribute to what Kyle … read more
"Tribute" is the first single of Tenacious D's self-titled debut album, released on July 16, 2002. The song is a tribute to what Kyle Gass and Jack Black refer to as "… read more
Tenacious D (often referred to as "The D" and sometimes introduced as "The Greatest Band in the world. Period.") is an American satirical rock duo formed by musicians and actors Kyle Gass and Jack Black in Los Angeles, California in 1994. Their music fuses vulgar absurdist comedy with rock music in a style that critics have described as "mock rock". The band first gained reputation in 1999, starring in a self-titled HBO TV series. The drumming on both of their albums and the devils voice on the track Beelzeboss (also the one who plays Satan in The Pick … read more
Tenacious D (often referred to as "The D" and sometimes introduced as "The Greatest Band in the world. Period.") is an American satirical rock duo formed by musicians an… read more
Tenacious D (often referred to as "The D" and sometimes introduced as "The Greatest Band in the world. Period.") is an American satirical rock duo formed by musicians and actors Kyle Gass and Jack Black in Los Angel… read more