
The Avalanches is an music collective from Melbourne, Australia. The band is known for the use of eclectic sampling, having created their debut album, Since I Left You (2000), entirely out of over 3,500 samples of obscure records, movies, and television shows. This is famously demonstrated on their hit single "Frontier Psychiatrist".

Before this, they were a group with the single album Rock City and the EPy El Producto. After a 16 year hiatus, they released their sophomore album Wildflower (2016), which was followed by We Will Always Love You (2020).

2. A defunct American group
NOTE: The former band actually got their name from the latter, as The Avalanches' " Ski Surfin''" album was known to be their favorite album.
The Avalanches was an instrumental studio group, active in the 1960s, which included Billy Strange, Tommy Tedesco, David Gates (later of Bread) and Hal Blaine. In 1963 they recorded an LP Ski Surfin', which was re-released in 2007.

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