Cherry Tree is an EP by the indie rock band The National, released in July 2004. It was reissued on June 28, 2011, by Brassland Records, the same label on which it was originally released. "Murder Me Rachael" is a live version taken from a Black Sessions recording, while "Reasonable Man (I Don't Mind)" is a song featuring Padma Newsome. In addition to CD, Cherry Tree was originally released on limited edition red-colored 10" vinyl by Shake It!, a record shop in the band members hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio. It has since had numerous repressings by Brass… read more
Cherry Tree is an EP by the indie rock band The National, released in July 2004. It was reissued on June 28, 2011, by Brassland Records, the same lab… read more
Cherry Tree is an EP by the indie rock band The National, released in July 2004. It was reissued on June 28, 2011, by Brassland Records, the same label on which it was originally release… read more
The National are an alternative rock band formed in 1999, by friends from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The band's lyrics are written and sung by Matt Berninger in a distinctive, deep baritone. The rest of the band is composed of two pairs of brothers: Aaron Dessner (guitar, bass, keyboards), Bryce Dessner (guitar), Scott Devendorf (bass, guitar) and Bryan Devendorf (drums). Their self-titled debut album"The National" (Brassland 2001) was recorded and released before they had played even a single show. They cut the album with engineer Nick Lloyd and formed a label with writ… read more
The National are an alternative rock band formed in 1999, by friends from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The band's lyrics are written and sung by Matt Berninger in a distinctive, deep bariton… read more
The National are an alternative rock band formed in 1999, by friends from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The band's lyrics are written and sung by Matt Berninger in a distinctive, deep baritone. The rest of the band is composed of two pai… read more