
  • Members

    • Gwen Stubbs
    • Jason Testasecca
    • Justin Champlin
    • Matt Rendon

The Okmoniks are a garage punk band from Tucson, Arizona. While still in her teens, Helene 33 was running a drive-in theater and two barbershops in Kalamazoo, Michigan. One night, while listening to a teenage dance combo, she was asked to sit in on organ. Later they invited Sammy to play guitar. Since forming the group they have played at packed dances all across the country. And long after a dance is scheduled to be over, things are still jumping.

Somewhat paralleling the Beatles' emergence from Liverpool, the Okmoniks are causing a sudden surge of excitement. So, while the Okmoniks were recently headlining various concerts and dances around the country, In-Fi records seized the opportunity to go along and record them. Their first long player on Slovenly presents the highlights of that enormously successful tour.

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