Bizarre Black Metal project by Mr. Fuck Khaos Occulta. Hailing from Ituzaingó, Argentina, The True Mierdum has unleashed 3 full-length albums, 3 EPs and a demo. There's also a compilation tape released via ᛉdnirgal Prods. Complete discography: * 2006 - Destruye a Tú Abuela por Satán (demo) * 2006 - Por Ser Cristiano Te Quedarás Pelado (EP) * 2007 - El Maldito Enano Pelado que Pisa Gomas con Sus Poseidas Manos * 2007 - Un Hippie Asesiné en el Pantano * 2007 - Donde los Demonios Violan a Tú Madre (EP) * 2008 - Twilight of the Maradonas (in Conspiracy with Pelé) (EP) * 2009 - Op… read more
Bizarre Black Metal project by Mr. Fuck Khaos Occulta. Hailing from Ituzaingó, Argentina, The True Mierdum has unleashed 3 full-length albums, 3 EPs and a demo. There's also a compilation tape released via ᛉdnirgal Prods. Complete discography: * 2006 - Destruye a Tú Abuela por Satán (dem… read more
Bizarre Black Metal project by Mr. Fuck Khaos Occulta. Hailing from Ituzaingó, Argentina, The True Mierdum has unleashed 3 full-length albums, 3 EPs and a demo. There's also a compilation tape released via ᛉdnirgal Prods. Complete discography: * 2006 - Destruye a Tú Abuela por Satán (demo) * 2006 - Por Ser Cristiano Te Quedarás Pelado (EP) * 2007 - El Maldit… read more