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Top Tracks
Rank | Play | Loved | Track name | Artist name | Buy | Options |
1 | Play track | Lush Life | Zara Larsson |
2 | Play track | Blow Your Mind (Mwah) | Dua Lipa |
3 | Play track | Bad at Love | Halsey |
4 | Play track | Hotter Than Hell | Dua Lipa |
5 | Play track | Now or Never | Halsey |
6 | Play track | Strangers | Halsey |
7 | Play track | Flute Loop | Beastie Boys |
8 | Play track | Flatlands | Chelsea Wolfe |
9 | Play track | Transatlantic | Quantic |
10 | Play track | Spaz | N*E*R*D |
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