Top Artists
67,655 listeners
14,160 listeners
14,681 listeners
36,094 listeners
22,736 listeners
30,321 listeners
29,557 listeners
4,615 listeners
16,898 listeners
2,048 listeners
Top Tracks
Rank | Play | Loved | Track name | Artist name | Buy | Options |
1 | Play track | Jocelyn Flores | XXXTENTACION |
2 | Play track | Sad! | XXXTENTACION |
3 | Play track | Moonlight | XXXTENTACION |
4 | Play track | Thunder | Imagine Dragons |
5 | Play track | May It Be | Enya |
6 | Play track | Swish Swish | Katy Perry |
7 | Play track | Square Hammer | Ghost |
8 | Play track | Betrayed | Lil Xan |
9 | Play track | Door | C418 |
10 | Play track | Oxygène | C418 |
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Top Albums
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of…
Various Artists 158,571 listeners
Dreamweaver 72,844 listeners
Music from Patch Cord Productions
Mort Garson 65,916 listeners
Aviators 20,854 listeners