Top Artists
7,638 listeners
8,644 listeners
3,114 listeners
2,984 listeners
3,100 listeners
4,193 listeners
4,591 listeners
3,795 listeners
1,407 listeners
925 listeners
Top Tracks
Rank | Play | Loved | Track name | Artist name | Buy | Options |
1 | Play track | The Protocols of Anti-Sound | Magrudergrind |
2 | Play track | Pants, Meet Shit | Daughters |
3 | Play track | Nail | Ceremony |
4 | Play track | Knife Fight | Municipal Waste |
5 | Play track | Built to Blast | Magrudergrind |
6 | Play track | Zodiak | Spazz |
7 | Play track | Your Mantel Disguised As A Psychic Sasquatch | The Locust |
8 | Play track | Deaf and Dumb | Charles Bronson |
9 | Play track | Do It Yourself | Punch |
10 | Play track | Flattery Is a Bunch of Fucking Bullshit | Daughters |
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Top Albums
Dropdead 22,138 listeners
Trash Talk 13,442 listeners
Left for Dead 5,493 listeners
Insult 8,594 listeners