Top Artists
10,713 listeners
41,891 listeners
12,496 listeners
9,101 listeners
1,761 listeners
652 listeners
19,277 listeners
6,633 listeners
3,025 listeners
5,717 listeners
Top Tracks
Rank | Play | Loved | Track name | Artist name | Buy | Options |
1 | Play track | Ragged Wood | Fleet Foxes |
2 | Play track | Tangled Up in Blue | Bob Dylan |
3 | Play track | All Too Well (Taylor's Version) | Taylor Swift |
4 | Play track | I Want You | Bob Dylan |
5 | Play track | Shelter from the Storm | Bob Dylan |
6 | Play track | Parasite | Nick Drake |
7 | Play track | The Needle and the Damage Done | Neil Young |
8 | Play track | Ballad of a Thin Man | Bob Dylan |
9 | Play track | Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes | Paul Simon |
10 | Play track | If I Needed Someone | The Beatles |
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Top Albums
Bon Iver 32,264 listeners
Split the Country, Split the Street
Kevin Devine 31,794 listeners
Carole King 82,456 listeners