Top Artists
854,110 listeners
408,997 listeners
288,868 listeners
632,198 listeners
359,090 listeners
244,458 listeners
129,372 listeners
152,845 listeners
184,928 listeners
220,516 listeners
Top Tracks
Rank | Play | Loved | Track name | Artist name | Buy | Options |
1 | Play track | Karma | Taylor Swift |
2 | Play track | Never Meant | American Football |
3 | Play track | Spanish Sahara | Foals |
4 | Play track | Cassius | Foals |
5 | Play track | The Summer Ends | American Football |
6 | Play track | Olympic Airways | Foals |
7 | Play track | Balloons | Foals |
8 | Play track | Honestly? | American Football |
9 | Play track | Breadcrumb Trail | Slint |
10 | Play track | Inhaler | Foals |
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Top Albums
black midi 249,946 listeners
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