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tnx 4 the hint about Kevin Gilbert on the Genesis page ... i don't know much of his work, just the "Suite Canon" from the GG tribute as well as "Siberian Kathru" from "Tales from yesterdays" - i heard his name the first time from Mike Keneally ... sad he had to leave the planet so early ... :(
Hey Kyle, check out this chic [artist]Sarah Longfield[/artist]. Her new album Par Avion is pretty great. Sounds like Animals as Leaders. I'm pretty sure Tosin Abasi is one of her big inspirations.
I am excited for the new album, but slightly apprehensive too. I just really loved Intuit and I'm trying to prepare myself to receive a different body of work. Either way I'm so happy they're coming to Minneapolis!
The Gotye/Kimbra performance on April 4 has been moved to the Epic Nightclub. Ticket prices have doubled to $30 and go on sale tomorrow at noon.
I will give my favorites for the year, I just need some more time to absorb some albums released towards the end of the year.
I'm inclined to agree with you that for the Gotye show to sell out so far in advance, scalpers must have scooped up a bunch of tickets unless he's a lot more popular than I know. In the five years or so that I've been a fan of Gotye, nobody seemed to know about him. Perhaps, as you suggest, he has been getting radio play. I'd love to see the show moved to a larger venue just to thwart the scalpers.
I didn't realize the Gotye show at the Varsity was sold out. Not only do I not have an extra ticket, I don't even have one for myself! Sometimes sold-out shows at the Varsity are moved to First Avenue but the main room is already booked for most of the dates around 4/4 so I'm not optimistic.
Hi, K. Greetings from the U.K. Many thanks for the add. Am loving your music library. Please feel free to drop me a shout on my page at any time whenever you are passing, or even better, feel free to recommend any good music that you think I might like. Have a great week. Peace :)
I think Andy Fry and Casey Tennis are still trying to get Pravada going. I could be wrong.
hey there, great taste in music! I was checking out my neighbors and I thought you might enjoy our music, check out, free downloads and a video coming up soon. cheers!
(hey, that "Watkins Family Hour" concert with Michael Nesmith. Just curious, WHEN did you add it, or KNOW about it? I know someone who would LOVE to know how far in advance it was announced. ) Sorry, can't really remember when I knew about this but I found out when I went to check at the Largo at the Coronet website - - but I had no special advanced knowledge....just a fan of the Watkins
Cool, I'll have to give those a listen too. I have to add that I noticed from your blog that the band 22 has some new material on the way and gave a listen to some of those new songs. Seeing how I never really got into their first album, I was very surprised how much I liked Oxygen. Gotodo was also pretty good. I have to give those guys another chance!
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It took me a while after being out of the country for much of the year, but I finally did collect my thoughts. Your list is interesting as ever, I'm sorry to say I'm not familiar with most of them.
I'm sorry to report that I'm completely unfamiliar with everything on the list proper, except for Late of the Pier, by whom I know and love exactly one song, "Broken." Clearly I need to delve into this further. Of the artists mentioned in the description, I have to say I'm a pretty big Menomena fan, albeit one somewhat distressed to hear that Brent is leaving the band. I also like Yeah Yeah Yeahs when I'm in the right mood, and I've heard and liked a little bit of Bloc Party and Innerpartysystem. Also, I saw School of Seven Bells open for M83 back in '08, and I agree, their live show was much more engaging than their album. And, well, the Postal Service ... sometimes I get nostalgic for that. But I should probably stop rambling now! :)
I'm an electropop junkie, so yeah, the electronic stuff is definitely what first made me a PRR fan, but my admiration has become all-encompassing. "Golden Clothes" is a great example, since it's kind of the halfway point between TDT and AVO. You should absolutely check out Cut Copy, if you're into that genre even a little; In Ghost Golours might be the best electropop album ever made. You know, not to oversell it or anything.
Oh nice ! Yeah I used to listen to TREOS all the time, and The Dear Hunter to a lesser extent. I love going to shows, but have been out of the country for the past month and am a little behind !
Hi! It's always nice to meet a fellow PRR fan, even if they are all the way in Minnesota. I got into them almost two years ago now, just after AVO came out. I was pretty obsessed with that album for awhile. It took me a little longer to get into the Dark Third, but I love that now, too, as well as Hammer & Anvil. It would be really difficult for me to pick a favorite song overall ... but on most days it's probably "The Gloaming." Anyway, it's nice to hear the blog is likable; it's a collaborative, semi-joking effort with a friend. I'll check out your blog, too! It looks like you listen to some stuff I'm not familiar with, and I love discovering new bands.
Are you sure they're coming back without Brent? I'm under the impression that he will be there, as this will be his "Farewell Tour." Their website says that Paul Alcott with be "rounding out the quartet." I might make it out to the show either way.
Thanks for posting the link on the Ramona Falls page... I'm pretty disappointed that Brent has left Menomena, but I also really love Ramona Falls! I am so glad I went to see Menomena last fall!
Agreed, of course! And to do that - that's soooo good of you! =) Sounding like they sound, touring with the right bands - like they do, and having support of such ever growing established artists as TDH, I believe they're to gather audience. And thank you - sometimes sharing here feels almost like spamming - you made me feel better about my sharing. =)
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