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Love Hurts" is the third Europe single from Incubus' sixth album, Light Grenades.

The song received moderate airplay in European countries. The single was released for airplay in the United States over a year after the previous single, "Oil and Water", and nearly two years following the album's release. It became a surprise hit for the band in the U.S., topping the Modern Rock Tracks chart, becoming their fourth song to do so. It was officially released the first week of October 2008.

In a recent interview with Incubus, Brandon Boyd expressed his thoughts on the song.
Brandon Boyd's thoughts about "Love Hurts":

“ It's almost a little bit of a cliché. It is talking about the idea of love and find love and having it be purity and having it not be tainted by your misperceptions, misconceptions, expectations and transcending the sort of more worldly aspects of the love experience.

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