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Alabaster DePlume (birth name Angus Fairbairn; born 1980 or 1981) is an English jazz musician, saxophonist, spoken word poet, composer, and activist. Based in Manchester, he tours internationally bringing theatrical spoken-word to music audiences, and vice-versa.

While in London, Fairbairn started working at the Total Refreshment Centre where he staged monthly improvisational gigs with different musicians under the name Peach that involved jazz music and spoken word poetry. In October 2015, he released his album Peach through Debt Records.

In February 2020, Fairbairn released the instrumental album To Cy & Lee: Instrumentals Vol. 1. The album was at the time his biggest commercial success, leading to a breakthrough in his career.

In April 2022, Fairbairn released Gold – Go Forward in the Courage of Your Love.

His multi-disciplinary concert/recording project, The Jester, involved 12 musicians and 24 visual artists from two cities, funded internationally by crowd-sourcing.

He writes and performs theatre with Dublin circus aerial troupe PaperDolls and appears as saxophonist for Manchester rhythm and blues group Honeyfeet, and singer Liz Green (PIAS International) among others.

In 2023 he released "Come with Fierce Grace".

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