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  • Years Active

    1993 – present (31 years)

  • Founded In

    Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

  • Members

    • Emanuelle Araújo (1999 – 2002)
    • Felipe Pezzoni (2013 – present)
    • Ivete Sangalo (1993 – 1999)
    • Saulo Fernandes (2002 – 2013)

The EVA (or group known as Banda EVA) is a band of Bahian music that has had great success during the 1990s, under the voice of Ivete Sangalo. After Sangalo left for a solo career, lead vocals were taken by Emanuelle Araújo, then Saulo Fernandes, and most recently Felipe Pezzoni.

Banda EVA emerged from a carnaval troupe. At the end of the 1970s, a group of friends, members of the Marist College community of Salvador, met every week-end to chat and sing. In 1980, they had the idea of forming a carnaval troupe with the name EVA, short for the "Estrada Velha do Aeroporto" (Portuguese for "Old Airport Road"). This refers to the place where the carnaval was held annually, and has not therefore any connection – although many think so – with the biblical story of Adam and Eve.

Their first album was released in 1993, and their most recent in 2015.

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