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In mid-2011, two brothers, along with some acquaintances and friends, came up with the idea of forming a Mexican band with English lyrics. The group started writing songs, and realised that they really liked the sound they were forming together. In May 2012, they decided to make their first EP titled with the same name they gave to the band: Big Big Love.

After a couple of years of ups and downs in the members of the band, Santiago Mijares (vocals and guitar), Patricio Mijares (backing vocals and bass), Marco Carrión (guitar), and with the help and live collaboration of Marcos Zavala (drums), are the members that currently form one of the most promising young independent proposals in Mexico City.

Throughout their career, they have been promoting their EP, along with some unreleased songs and the first single from their upcoming LP. Live performances have mainly taken place in the capital of the country, either in bars or concert venues, and soon they will start playing in the outskirts of the city and in some parts of the interior of the Republic.

Big Big Love's music is characterised by a rhythm and a force that, as soon as you hear it, makes you want to dance and keep the rhythm with your head. Their musical background has details such as their strong percussion, which identifies them as a band that gives their all for their music.

In the middle of last year, they presented their first single called "Family Flag" which had a video directed by Rodrigo Bonilla. On February 12, 2014 they decided to present the second advance of their first album called "Tender Men", which like the first one, has a video directed by the same director.

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