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"Change (In the House of Flies)" was the first single from Deftones' third album "White Pony" released in May 2000. It remains their most commercially successful single to date, peaking at number three in Billboard's Modern Rock Tracks chart, number nine in the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart and at 53 in the UK Singles Chart.

Lead singer Chino Moreno once stated that this is the only song that truly captured the atmosphere he had in mind for the album "White Pony".

Chino has stated in interviews that he would repeatedly see "an image of a white animal…either pony or unicorn" in dreams as a child. He formed Deftones initially as a way to come to grips with his "Inner Black Beauty".

Music: The intro as well the verses are composed of low guitar and a bit loud drums and bass with keyboards effects driving into heavy choirs who expands every time that they arrive. "Change" would become one of the most well known songs by Deftones.

Meaning: "It's a metaphorical song. You could take it in the literal sense of me watching someone turn into a fly and taking them home with me and pulling of their wings and laughing. It spawns from me being a complete a–hole and getting the complete repercussion for it by having my life taken away." - Chino.

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